If you think that caravans are too common and boring and you would like to have a more romantic way to move from one place to another why not buy an own gypsy caravan? Go through Jeanne Bayols website or direkt to the Les Verdines gypsy caravan shop!
Jonkinlaista mökkeilyä tämäkin
Jos asuntovaunut ovat mielestäsi liian tavallisia ja tylsiä ja kaipaat elämääsi hieman romanttisempaa tapaa siirtyä paikasta toiseen, niin mikset hankkisi omaa mustalaisvaunua? Se käy helposti Jeanne Bayolin nettisivujen kautta tai suoraan Les Verdinesin vaunukaupasta!
If you think that caravans are too common and boring and you would like to have a more romantic way to move from one place to another why not buy an own gypsy caravan? Go through Jeanne Bayols website or direkt to the Les Verdines gypsy caravan shop!

If you think that caravans are too common and boring and you would like to have a more romantic way to move from one place to another why not buy an own gypsy caravan? Go through Jeanne Bayols website or direkt to the Les Verdines gypsy caravan shop!
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