The swedish company, Himla, is focused on textiles and accessories for home. They present yearly two modern collections, inspiring and colour cordinated for every room at home. The company is represented in many european countries.
Ruotsalainen Himla on sisustaa koteja sekä Ruotsissa että muualla Euroopassa pääpainonaan tekstiilit ja piensisustustavarat. Kevät- ja syysmallistot tarjoavat modenin, inspiroivan ja värikoordinoidun kokonaisuuden kodin kaikkiin tiloihin.
The swedish company, Himla, is focused on textiles and accessories for home. They present yearly two modern collections, inspiring and colour cordinated for every room at home. The company is represented in many european countries.

The swedish company, Himla, is focused on textiles and accessories for home. They present yearly two modern collections, inspiring and colour cordinated for every room at home. The company is represented in many european countries.
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